2024 LVPFS Schedule of Events
Las Vegas Pacific Fashion Show and events will be running around the clock throughout the event days.
The Show is a 4 day event, consist of Workshops, Media, Photoshoots, Concerts, Fashion Show and More.
Schedule will be as follows:
Day 1: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 6 pm: Designers and by Invitation Only Dinner
Day 2: Thursday April 4th, 2024, 10 am - 12 pm: Workshops for all Designers, Models, Makeup Artists, and Hairstylists
Day 3: Friday April 5th, 2024, 10 am - 4 pm: Photoshoot for all Designers, Models, and Media Interviews. Vendor Networking.
Day 4: Saturday April 6th, 2024, 8 pm: Fashion Show & Concert!
Note: Pop Up Shops will be open to the Public from 10 a.m until 10 pm (Thursday & Friday April 4th - April 5th, 2024) 10 a.m. - until closed (April 6th, 2024, Saturday)